First Presbyterian Church, Wolcott

Our Church

It is a bit of a curse
To be named the first
For it is hard to search

And it’s easy to pass us
On google or a bus
But there is no need to fuss
For God is our focus

We are near
There is no need to fear
Come ready to hear
God’s Word straight to your ear

And without worry
And in no hurry
We let God carry
Our cares away

So come and join the craze
Through prayer and praise
We Worship and praise
Throughout our days

On Sundays we can be found
Not on google but in town
Follow the SOUND…

First Presbyterian Wolcott
Worship with us at 10:30 every Sunday morning

Top 5 Reasons To Worshop Here:

1. Committed to Community

2. Wonderful Music - lovely organ and choir

3. Thirty plus-year long Youth program

4. Ground Scipturally

5. Diverse theoglical beliefs



Each Sunday we provide several enrching opportunties to challenge and express your faith. Beginning with Adult Sunday School at 9:30 and Worship at 10:30. You are welcome to join our active choir that enhances our praise through a wonderful anthem each week. Once a month we celebrate communion during worship.

Who We Are:

We are teachers, farmers, business owners, business leaders, EMT volunteers, and piad EMT, fire-rescue volunteers, students, retirees, home makers, community leaders, a veterinarian, a college professor, masons, carpenters, wood workers, unemployed, under-employed and career hobbyist.

We are young and old, English as our first language and as our second or third lnaguages.  We are baptized and unbaptized. We are seekers and learners.  But most of all we call First Presbyterian HOME

Mission Outreach:

We house the local food pnatry as well as host several community organizations: girl scout troops, Irish Dancers, Praise Moves, and Magic card gamers to name a few. Our church continues to sponser and support our PC (USA) mission and missionaries.  We are active in the local Council of Churches which together continues to make a differernce in our local communities.  Our Women's group supports several mission projects which includes the putting together of Church World Service kits for 




January Newsletter 

December Newsletter

November Newsletter

October Newsletter

September Newsletter

August Newsletter

July Newsletter

June Newsletter

May Newsletter

April Newsletter

March Newsletter

February Newsletter