Today:  Advent Readers/Candle Lighting – Will & Tiffiny Cahoon and family


Tuesday, Dec. 24:  7 p.m.  Ecumenical Christmas Eve Service here


Monday, Dec. 30:  Newsletter deadline


There are Deacon Christmas envelopes in the Narthex.  Your donations will help some elderly people this year.



Happy anniversary this week to:  Richard & Izetta Younglove today, Mike & Laurie Johnson on Friday, and Randy & Marti Ann Gillette on Saturday.


Happy birthday this week to:  Marissa Vezzose today; Rich Steves, Noel Tyler, and Luna Vezzose on Wednesday; and Dan Tatum on Friday.



PRAYER LIST:  John Gingerich, Rosie Wright, Jack Johnson, Bill Rothaug, Jamie Lyman Gingerich,  Myrna Voelker, Ellen Elwell, Val Mills, Paula DeMass, Bob Stell, Mike & Linda Douglass, Mary Ann Sparnon, Carol Merrell, Edith Hutchings, Shirley Bishop, Tom Johnson, Jordan Lockwood, Arlene Youngman, Maxine Pankratz, and All MILITARY PERSONNEL SERVING OUR COUNTRY 




Pastor Walter’s contact info:   585-217-6030












Prelude:     “For Unto Us A Child Is Born”       Handel       


*Passing of the Peace 

The Peace of Christ be with you

…And Also with you.  


Call to Worship                                                 

Leader:  Hear, O Shepherd of Israel, . . . stir up your strength and come to help us.

 People:  Restore us, O God of hosts; show the light of your countenance, and we shall be saved.


 Leader:  Let us worship God.

*Hymn:  #41  “O Come, All Ye Faithful”

Lighting the Advent Candles        

Unison Prayer of Confession

Most holy God, in Christ you pour out your mercy to 

forgive our transgression.  Hear us now as we confess

our sin.  We err in our judgment of what you want from

us.  We seek to appease you with offerings, earn your 

favor by doing good deeds, or garner a blessing 

through making some sacrifice.  Forgive us our nature

that is prone to buy favor, and in Christ restore us to a 

right relationship with you.

Silent Prayer of Confession                       


Declaration of Forgiveness  


*Gloria Patri                                                Hymn  #579

Choir Anthem:    “In The Bleak Midwinter”       Holst

Christmas Pageant


*Hymn:   #49  “Once in Royal David’s City”


Scriptures:   Micah 5:2-5  (OT Page 865)

                      Psalm 80:1-7 (OT Pages 540-541)

                      Luke 2:8-21 (NT Pages 58-59)

Sermon:             “Look Up”            Rev. Walter Stuber

*Hymn:  #31   “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”                                                                                                                              


Joys and Concerns 

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Offertory Call 

Offertory:   “Of The Father's Love Begotten”      Held

                                                                                                     *Doxology                                                       Hymn #592         


*Unison Prayer of Dedication

“Ancient of Days, who sit enthroned in glory.  To you all knees are bent, all voices pray.”  All that we bring you you have bestowed upon us.  Whatever good that we do is a sign of your grace.  Accept 

these glad offerings we lay before you as praise 

for “the goodness that does crown our days.”

   *Hymn:  #40  “Joy to the World”


*Charge and Benediction 


“Go Now in Peace”


Postlude:              “Postlude”              Stickles   






















*Please stand if you are able.