Today:  Thank you to Phyllis Weber and Terry VanFleet    for the special music.

  Thank you to Eliana Lockwood for a Scripture    reading.


Wednesday, March 12:  Lenten Luncheon at the FUMC, 11:30 a.m. message (Diane Walker) and eat at noon.


Thursday, March 13:  6 p.m.  Finance Committee


Sunday, March 16:  Sermon by Elder Andrew DeMAY


Sunday, March 23:  Choir Anthem will be #81:  “Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days.”



Happy birthday this week to: Bill Rothaug on Tuesday, Kim Youngman on Wednesday, and Paula DeMass on Saturday.



PRAYER LIST:  Will Cahoon, Dolores Gingerich, Rosie Wright, Bill Rothaug, Jamie Lyman Gingerich,  Ellen Elwell, Val Mills, Paula DeMass, Bob Stell, Mike & Linda Douglass, Mary Ann Sparnon, Carol Merrell, Shirley Bishop, Tom Johnson, Jordan Lockwood, Arlene Youngman, Maxine Pankratz, and All MILITARY PERSONNEL SERVING OUR COUNTRY 



Pastor Walter’s contact info:   585-217-6030





Prelude:       “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”         Bach



Prelude:   Meditation on "Brother James' Air"     Smith




Passing of the Peace                            

The Peace of Christ be with you

…And Also with you.           


Call to Worship

Leader:  If Yahweh does not build the house, in vain the masons toil.

Response:  If Yahweh does not guard the city, in vain the sentries watch.

Leader:  But you, O God, in Christ established the church, and in Christ’s name we gather.

Response:  And by your Spirit you watch over your people, giving us cause to rejoice.


*Hymn:  #81 “Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days”


Unison Prayer of Confession

Beloved God, whose mercy is everlasting and whose grace endures forever, look with favor upon us as we confess our sin.  Lift our minds from earthly things to the vision of your heavenly commonwealth.  We revel

 in self-glory; we delight in vain pursuits; we worship the idols of our base desires.  Forgive our shortsighted behavior and reconcile us through Jesus to your

 eternal will.

Silent Prayer of Confession 

Assurance of Pardon

Leader:  Sisters and brothers, be assured that our commonwealth is in heaven.  From it we await a Savior, who is Christ Jesus, who shall change our bodies into glory, and we shall dwell eternally in God’s realm.  Trust in Christ, for therein lies our forgiveness.


*Gloria Patri                                                    Hymn #579

Special Music:   “He Shall Feed His Flock”       Handel

                    Piano/Organ Duet with Terry VanFleet


Young at Heart

*Hymn:  #261  “God of Compassion, in Mercy Befriend        Us”


Scriptures:  Psalm 91:1-16 (OT Page 548)

  Luke 4:1-13 (NT Page 61)  Reading by Eliana Lockwood


Sermon:  “Money, Respect, and Power”

    Rev. Walter Stuber   

*Hymn:  #77  “Forty Days and Forty Nights"

Joys and Concerns

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Offertory Call

Offertory:                    “Air”                         Boely

*Doxology                                                    Hymn #592 

*Unison Prayer of Dedication

Great Shield and Defender, you visited Abraham and 

made him a great nation.  You sent to earth Jesus, who 

called out the church.  We join with the hosts who have

gone before us, pilgrims on a journey toward your 

promised land.  We pause on the way to give you our 

offerings, and dedicate ourselves anew to the faithful



 *Hymn:  #275  “God of Our Life”


*Charge and Benediction

“Go Now n Peace”  

Postlude:                 “Postlude”                  Reger


















*Please stand if you are able.